Benny & Betty’s Dream
Greetings from Benito Simeon de Souza hailing from Zanzibar-Goa-England ..... actually I feel like I am a Citizen of the World ! Take me as I am for my roots are from my ancestral homeland Goa ... my birthplace Unguja (Stone Town) Zanzibar, and my present abode is the United Kingdom (UK) with my precious wife Betty Boccaro my school mate(childhood sweetheart) whom I love, married, and cherish unconditionally, together with our three children Winston/Lynn De Souza, Lisette/Clive DuPratt and littleYvette/David May, and seven grandchildren Miles, Alex, Molly, Abigail, Emily, Jacob and Sophie whom you will undoubtedly meet in due course via my pictures and stories, as you will my siblings Yvette/Mike Muise, Annabella/Alexander Fernandes, Jerome/Ann de Souza, and Rhoda da Costa, and all their children and grandchildren whom you will undoubtedly meet via my pictures. In response to requests from far and wide, I have decided to release my Pictorial Memories which began in that beautiful Spice Island called Zanzibar, my Paradise on Earth as I once knew it, and still know it from recent visits there, ending in The Queen's Isle ... the British Isles. Geographers and Historians have all accurately given the world all the details about Zanzibar. My rendition, which I call "Benny and Betty's Dream" consists of personal encounters with myriads of people from immediate family, to friends and acquaintances, scattered around the world. You will not find any of what I am gifting to all of you in any book or documentary. My treasury of pictures comes from my camera and from photos handed down to me, or from my family archives .... I have been an avid photographer ever since I received my first box camera as a child .... I have saved them all ... ALL about 5,000 of them??? Upon leaving Zanzibar for England, I was most fortunate to have been given my first job here with The American Telegraph Company 'Commercial Cable Company', who issued work permits for a few of my friends from Zanzibar including my brother Jerome of whom I am extremely proud, giving all, entries to the UK, after which, I transferred to Reuters where I worked for 25 1/2 years in the Computer Network Operations. I began as Network Controller and graduated to Manager for all Network Controllers and Computer Operators, then moved to the new Technical Centre in Docklands as Networks Operations Administration Manager. I was totally in my element. I must acknowledge that I owe all my successes in my life, after Zanzibar, to Reuters who treated me like a prince. I thank The American Telegraph Company, and Reuters for all the blessings that followed our exodus from Zanzibar in 1964 and thereafter .... blessings from heaven ! I am happy to report that all have done well with the blessings received. I now hand these photographic memories to you who know me, with much love and admiration of your friendship/s throughout my life, from Zanzibar days to now UK days. All great ! Thank you for the wonderful times we spent together over the years first as Family members, then as students at St. Joseph's Convent School before embarking on Cable and Wireless days under the guidance of my wonderful Dad, Aleixo de Souza, to growing up to see the world and making our very own histories. I worked at Cable & Wireless Zanzibar for 6 years. Apart from my Dad, my mother Laurie de Souza was my best friend and confidant. Both she and Dad loved music and dancing and I can honestly and proudly say that I inherited both these gifts from them. My UK Band, Black Velvet still bespeaks a story of its own in grace and popularity. I am truly proud to dedicate all my successes to both my Mum and Dad who encouraged all my efforts and dreams. Also, from them I learnt from a very early age about kindness, generosity, and love, without discrimination or prejudice, and I have tried to live what I learnt all my life to this day. " Thank you dearest Mum and Dad whose abode is now in heaven. God bless you. Please continue to watch over all of us, for Family was your most precious gift to us." "Thank you Mum too, for opening the study of conchology to us. Your beautiful shells are a constant reminder of your devotion to the art of collecting the beauties of nature without ruining the environment, and I was ever so proud to have been able to add to your collection as a diver in the turquoise waters of the beaches surrounding Zanzibar." Of special note ... Mummy learnt from her father Agapitus all about conchology for he was indeed and an avid shell collector and had won two gold medals for having the best shell collections in the British Empire .... quite an achievement I'd say. I must here add that my siblings and I were very blest to have had our maternal grandparents living in Zanzibar. However, we all have fond memories of our grandfather Agapitus C. De Souza who was a distinguished Banker and Business Entrepreneur who brought many Goans to Zanzibar to work in his Confectionary and Toys Shop before the WW2 wars in Europe. Because Toys and Confections could not be imported anymore due to the wars, my grandfather decided to close this section of his business but kept the bakery section open. However, I must say here that the heart of my grandparent's home was our grandmother Chrispina de Souza who was a classy lady of grace and beauty and she was an exquisite hostess to all who graced her table. We loved going to visit our grand parents and our Uncles and Aunts ... Pantu, Almira, Dolly and Alaric. We had some memorable times together. Check out the attached wedding cake my grandma made for my parents' nuptials .... it's a masterpiece beyond the reach of even today's cake decorator's realm. WOW ! Many of you will remember how highly St. Joseph's Cathedral honoured my grandparents and his immediate family with special seats in the sanctuary for attendance of Mass and other church services. We used to get teased about "The Royal Family" grand entrance at Sunday Mass with my grandfather always dressed in a three piece suit, tie and posh walking stick walking up the isle with his family in tow .... he did indeed make a regal figure. I was only a little tyke then and I sat with my school friends in the pews reserved for all the children of the parish. Those were the days my friends when we took everything for granted and only realize now how wonderful it all was, once upon a time. I appreciate so much more of my childhood and growing up in paradise Zanzibar, today, than ever before. My siblings all have their own memories of once idyllic Unguja and our heritage. You'll have to read my sister Yvette's two books which capture the histories of our family in Zanzibar and Goa ...."Rabiznaz the Red Colobus Monkey" and the Crystal Orb of Light in Zanzibar; and Rabiznar the Red Colobus Monkey and The Jewel from Spain in Goa Dourado .... complete with photographs and illustrations by herself, hand written in calligraphic style. Now, my pictures and stories contained herein are a record of music, dancing, scuba diving, sport, Reunions, Birthday Parties and Weddings, and arrivals of numerous grandchildren yours and mine amidst top-notch celebrations galore. And you my dearest Family and Friends are featured somewhere and everywhere within "Benny and Betty's Dream" rendition. Highlight of my website is mentioning my wife Elizabeth Bocarro, I have so much to say about my dearest loving wife Betty known to most folks in Zanzibar. Betty has always supported me in all my various ventures including sport and music. Family photos will tell the full story of all her talents and skills which never ceases to amaze. To be exact, unlimited all-round talents from dress- making, expert in cake-making, super cook with all global cooking, tops in entertaining at our home parties, super dancer now with her new hobby 'Cocktail Specialist', super gardener, her pride in keeping a wonderful home well maintained, and above all her close caring for all her children and grandchildren who get very special attention at all times. I hope you will like my special "BENNY AND BETTY'S DREAM" gift .... A gift from my heart to you for posterity. With all my love. Benny [Benito Simeon de Souza]
from Zanzibar/UK to our global community
Greetings from Benito Simeon de Souza hailing from Zanzibar-Goa-England ..... actually I feel like I am a Citizen of the World ! Take me as I am for my roots are from my ancestral homeland Goa ... my birthplace Unguja (Stone Town) Zanzibar, and my present abode is the United Kingdom (UK) with my precious wife Betty Boccaro my school mate(childhood sweetheart) whom I love, married, and cherish unconditionally, together with our three children Winston/Lynn De Souza, Lisette/Clive DuPratt and littleYvette/David May, and seven grandchildren Miles, Alex, Molly, Abigail, Emily, Jacob and Sophie whom you will undoubtedly meet in due course via my pictures and stories, as you will my siblings Yvette/Mike Muise, Annabella/Alexander Fernandes, Jerome/Ann de Souza, and Rhoda da Costa, and all their children and grandchildren whom you will undoubtedly meet in due course via my pictures. In response to requests from far and wide, I have decided to release my Pictorial Memories which began in that beautiful Spice Island called Zanzibar, my Paradise on Earth as I once knew it, and still know it from recent visits there, ending in The Queen's Isle ... the British Isles. Geographers and Historians have all accurately given the world all the details about Zanzibar. My rendition, which I call "Benny and Betty's Dream" consists of personal encounters with myriads of people from immediate family, to friends and acquaintances, scattered around the world. You will not find any of what I am gifting to all of you in any book or documentary. My treasury of pictures comes from my camera and from photos handed down to me, or from my family archives .... I have been an avid photographer ever since I received my first box camera as a child .... I have saved them all ... ALL 5,000 of them??? Upon leaving Zanzibar for England, I was most fortunate to have been given my first job here with The American Telegraph Company Commercial Cable Company, with work permits for a few of my friends from Zanzibar including my brother Jerome of whom I am extremely proud, giving all, entries to the UK, after which, I transferred to Reuters where I worked for 25 1/2 years in the Computer Network Operations. I began as Network Controller and graduated to Manager for all Network Controllers and Computer Operators staff of 33, then moved to the new Technical Centre in Docklands as Networks Operations Adminidtration Manager. I was totally in my element. I must acknowledge that I owe all my successes in my life, after Zanzibar, to Reuters who treated me like a prince. I thank The American Telegraph Company, and Reuters for all the blessings that followed our exodus from Zanzibar in 1964 and thereafter .... blessings from heaven ! I am happy to report that all have done well with the blessings received. I now hand these photographic memories to you who know me, with much love and admiration of your friendship/s throughout my life, from Zanzibar days to now UK days. All great ! Thank you for the wonderful times we spent together over the years first as Family members, then as students at St. Joseph's Convent School before embarking on Cable and Wireless days under the tutelage of my wonderful Dad, Aleixo de Souza, to growing up to see the world and making our very own histories. My Dad had opened up a wonderful avenue to learning all about telegraphy for me and many of my friends who sought this knowledge. We have much to thank "Mr. Aleixo" as they called him. Apart from my Dad, my mother Laurie de Souza was my best friend and confidant. Both she and Dad loved music and dancing and I can honestly and proudly say that I inherited both these gifts from them. My UK Band, Black Velvet still bespeaks a story of its own in grace and popularity. I am truly proud to dedicate all my successes to both my Mum and Dad who encouraged all my efforts and dreams. Also, from them I learnt from a very early age about kindness, generosity, and love, without discrimination or prejudice, and I have tried to live what I learnt all my life to this day. " Thank you dearest Mum and Dad whose abode is now in heaven. God bless you. Please continue to watch over all of us, for Family was your most precious gift to us." "Thank you Mum too, for opening the study of conchology to us. Your beautiful shells are a constant reminder of your devotion to the art of collecting the beauties of nature without ruining the environment, and I was ever so proud to have been able to add to your collection as a diver in the turquoise waters of the beaches surrounding Zanzibar." Of special note... Mummy learnt from her father Agapitus all about conchology for he was indeed and an avid shell collector and had won two or three gold medals for having the best shell collections in the British Empire .... quite an achievement I'd say. I must here add that my siblings and I were very blest to have had our maternal grandparents living in Zanzibar. Our paternal grandparents Jerome and Flavia de Souza were deceased in Goa at an early age..[see attached photograph.] I was too young to remember my two Uncles Cherubin and Octavio, and Aunty Fausta ... Dad's sibling, on a childhood trip to Goa. However, we all have fond memories of our grandfather Agapitus C. De Souza who was a distinguished Banker and Business Entrepreneur who brought many Goans to Zanzibar to work in his Confectionary and Toys Shop before the WW2 wars in Europe. Because Toys and Confections could not be imported anymore due to the wars, my grandfather decided to close this section of his business but kept the bakery section open as there were quite a few Goan employees who needed the work...many remember the "kisu" breads that everybody loved and still talk about. However, I must say here that the heart of my grandparent's home was our grandmother Chrispina de Souza who was a classy lady of grace and beauty and she was an exquisite hostess to all who graced her table. We loved going to visit our grand parents and our Uncles and Aunts...Pantu, Almira, Dolly and Alaric. We had some memorable times together. Check out the attached wedding cake my grandma made for my parents' nuptials .... it's a masterpiece beyond the reach of even today's cake decorator's realm. WOW ! For everybody's information, when my grandfather decided to close the Toys and Confectionaries section of his business, rather than sell the toys and sweets for a song, he invited all his friends and their children to a mega Christmas Party where everyone of the children received a very special toy and bags of sweets. My sister Yvette remembers this party so well because she won her favorite grammaphone that she had set her heart on....undoubtedly, me thinks, it was fixed that she would win her dream toy. Right? Many of you will remember how highly St. Joseph's Cathedral honoured my grandparents and his immediate family with special seats in the sanctuary for attendance of Mass and other church services. We used to get teased about "The Royal Family" grand entrance at Sunday Mass with my grandfather always dressed in a three piece suit, tie and posh walking stick walking up the isle with his family in tow .... he did indeed make a regal figure. I was only a little tyke then and I sat with my school friends in the pews reserved for all the children of the parish. Those were the days my friends when we took everything for granted and only realize now how wonderful it all was, once upon a time. I appreciate so much more of my childhood and growing up in paradise Zanzibar, today, than ever before. My siblings all have their own memories of once idyllic Unguja and our heritage. You'll have to read Yvette's two books which capture the histories of our family in Zanzibar and Goa...."Rabiznaz the Red Colobus Monkey and the Crystal Orb of Light in Zanzibar; and Rabiznar the Red Colobus Monkey and The Jewel from Spain in Goa Dourado....complete with photographs and illustrations by herself, hand written in calligraphic style. Now, my pictures and stories contained herein are a record of music, dancing, scuba diving, "sikuku" soup and Zanzibar "mushkakis", sorportel and Goa feni not to mention Reunions, Birthday Parties and Weddings, and arrivals of numerous grandchildren yours and mine amidst top- notch celebrations galore ... and Yes...even Kisus. And you my dearest Family and Friends are featured somewhere and everywhere within "Benny and Betty's Dream" rendition. I have too much to say about my dearest loving wife Betty who has always supported me in all my ventures from sport and music. Family photos will tell the full story of all her talents and skills which never ceases to amaze. To be exact, unlimited all- round talents I will list here ..... I hope you will like my special "BENNY and BETTY'S DREAM" gift .... A gift from my heart to you for posterity. With all my love. Benny [Benito Simeon de Souza]
Benny’s & Betty’s Dream